The Purpose of the Customer Value Journey

The Purpose of the Customer Value Journey

Did you know customers go through a several-step process to become loyal, raving fans of your brand? 

The customer value journey gives you a comprehensive look at the steps a potential customer takes from initially learning your brand even exists to a loyal, happy customer who refers all their friends and relatives to you. Your marketing aims to attract, reach, and resonate with your target audience, and the customer value journey is the tool you use to move them through the funnel to become satisfied customers. Your marketing will align with these stages, so it’s essential to know! 

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Understanding the Customer Value Journey  

Understanding the customer value journey is the most important step you will take when it comes to creating marketing strategies that genuinely work. It's a blueprint for building a predictable flow of customers: the insights you will need to determine how to best guide customers through the buying journey with your brand.  

Think of the customer value journey similarly to other human relationships. People generally don't propose marriage on the first date! It is the same with business. You need to get to know someone over time and discover what genuine value they have. If you go on a first date and do nothing but talk about how great you are and why the other person needs you, you probably won't get a second date (so we don’t do that in advertising either!). The goal is to develop a mutually beneficial business relationship with consumers. Great marketing is purposeful in meeting prospects where they are and identifying what they need. 

The 8 Stages of the Customer Value Journey   

The customer value journey has eight equally important stages. Your marketing needs to follow customers through each step of that journey to guide them successfully through the process. You have customers in all stages all the time. That’s why it’s important your marketing talks to people in all stages. 

1. Awareness

During the awareness stage, potential buyers are just beginning to learn about your business and what you offer. The awareness stage is the first interaction with your brand, so you must create an excellent first impression.  

It may include: 

  • Paid search ads 
  • Display ads 
  • Billboards 
  • Radio content 
  • Podcast ads 

This first touch with a customer defines how a customer will feel about your brand in the future.  

2. Engage

During the engagement stage, you begin to connect more deeply with prospective customers and provide more information about what your brand can do for them. As you create marketing for the engagement stage, you may focus on content to help customers decide on your brand, including: 

  • Blog posts 
  • Video content 
  • Case studies 
  • FAQ sections 
3. Subscribe

At the subscription stage, consumers are ready to start forming a relationship with your brand. They will generally provide contact information, like signing up for your email list, in exchange for access to the content they feel is useful to them, including webinars and content downloads.  

4. Convert

The conversion stage is the moment when they decide to work more closely with your brand and make their first purchase. For B2C businesses, that generally means an initial purchase from your brand. For B2B brands, that may mean a demonstration, informational meeting, or trial.  

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5. Excite

The excitement stage builds up interest in and commitment to your product. What are you offering that genuinely benefits your customers, solves their pain points, and invites them into a deeper relationship with your brand? You may want to provide personalized information about how your products have benefitted your customers. 

6. Ascend

 Your customer feels your business has great value to offer them. Now, you want to encourage them to ascend that "ladder" and connect more fully with everything your brand provides. That may mean becoming a subscriber, forming an ongoing relationship with a B2B provider, or purchasing additional products and services from your business.  

7. Advocate

You built a solid trust relationship with your customer. Now, is the time to invite your customer to advocate for your brand. You want them to share their experience with others so they will also make purchases from your brand. 

8. Promote

Brand promoters will actively share information about your brand with their friends, followers, or audience. These brand ambassadors become deeply invested in sharing more information about your brand and everything you offer.  

Connect with Mid-West Family Madison to Enhance Your Customer Value Journey 

At Mid-West Family Madison, we partner with you to create engaging content that aligns with each stage of the customer value journey. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can enhance your marketing efforts.

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Amanda Jezo

About the Author : Amanda Jezo

Amanda Jezo is a skilled marketing pro with a proven track record of creating and implementing successful marketing strategies. As an active Data Ambassador- she is dedicated to success—both her own and YOURS!