Digital Marketing
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“What do you think the chances are of a guy like you and a girl like me ending up together?… Level with me. Mary, what are my chances?”
“1 out of 1 million,” Mary says….. Lloyd grins hopefully, “So you’re telling me there’s a chance!”
How many of us are like Lloyd Christmas from Dumb and Dumber? Tell me the odds and I’ll laugh in your face, show me the mountain you say I can’t climb and I’ll ascend with flying colors.
If you’re in business, you’re no stranger to challenges and seemingly insurmountable odds. How about the odds of someone buying from you after hearing or seeing your ad once? 1 out of 1 million! In fact, the Marketing Rule of 7 states a prospect needs to “hear” the advertiser’s message at least 7 times before they take action to buy a product or service.
Remarketing Gives You and Your Customer Another Chance!
Remarketing is crucial because it gives you another opportunity to earn their business. It keeps your business and product at the top of the audience’s mind.
So what is remarketing? It’s a marketing tool that captures more sales after a prospective customer bounces. It can include serving ads to anyone who may have visited your site, clicked on an ad, followed you on social media, given you their email address, searched for you on Google, etc.
There are so many options to remarket – it’s not just about cookies or pixels. You can remarket with video advertising, or to a list of customers, or email addresses you have. Have you ever looked at a product online, then the exact same product follows you around showing up on random apps and websites? Talk to your MWF Strategy Team if you want to start using it!
Why should you care? Getting potential customers to your website and maintaining their interest isn’t easy. In fact, 58% of visitors leave your site immediately after finding it, and data collected by the Baymard Institute says almost 70% of shopping carts are abandoned.
You spend effort and resources on attracting visitors to your site – wouldn’t you like to get back in front of them after they’ve left? All you need is a chance!
Amanda Davis is a Senior Brand Strategist for Mid-West Family Madison with extensive creative strategy experience. She has 8+ years of media experience in digital marketing and Out of Home. She also has experience in market research, technical training, and working with nonprofits. She is a strategic thinker who likes blowing things up just to see if the pieces fit better another way.