Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan

Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan

Fall is in the air! Whether you’re the type to mourn the long summer days or you can’t wait to drink gallons of pumpkin spice lattes, one thing is certain—2023 is right around the corner. Are you doing everything you can to make it your best year yet and take your business up a couple of notches? 

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail,” said Benjamin Franklin or Winston Churchill, or your mom, or every sales manager who ever lived. It doesn’t matter who the real author is, what’s important is the message. 

If you’re not planning, you still really are but instead of planning for success, you’re planning to fail. You could sit on your hands and let your share of the Bennies go to your competitors. Or you could follow the habits of our successful clients and start planning in October. 

What do they do? They dive into the numbers! I know what you’re thinking and you’re right, analysis is not everyone’s cup of tea. But, knowing where your profit centers are and what sucks up money faster than a teenage girl on a shopping spree is the difference between business expansion and a going-out-of-business sale.  

Dive into the numbers: 
  • What worked and what didn’t in 2022?
  • What areas need improvement? 
  • Did you stick to your marketing plan throughout the year or did you veer off track?
Based on the numbers:
  • What worked you want to keep?
  • What worked you want to expand?
  • What didn’t work that needs a fix?
  • What didn’t work that needs to be cut?
What changes do you anticipate for 2023?
  • Are your supply chains still backed up? 
    • Do you need a plan to nurture the waiting customers?
  • New or upgraded technology?
    • Online ordering or reservations?
    • Will you need staff training?
  • Is your employee headcount is still low?
    • Are your key employees happy?
  • Has your sales process changed? If it hasn’t, do you know your customer’s journey (path to buying) has changed.?

I hope this has you thinking. Better yet, I hope you have pencil worn down to a nub from getting your thoughts down on paper—or your fingers are tired from flying over the keyboard!

Maybe you realize you could use some help. That’s where we come in, we get paid to stay on top of the quickly changing environments.

  • First-party data
  • Video is HOT! Not just making it but where to effectively distribute it.
  • Content Marketing
  • Lead Generation Funnels

You’re Invited!

We are bringing all the resources you need together for a one-day-only event on Tuesday, October 4.  It’s a Really Smart Marketing Workshop and the best part is the only thing it will cost you is your time—that and the disappointment you’ll feel later if you miss it! Don’t do that to yourself and read more about our keynote speakers and what you can expect to learn here.


The 5 Basics of a Successful Marketing Plan

Jerad Clark

About the Author : Jerad Clark

Jerad Clark brings over 15 years of experience and a proven track record of exceeding sales targets and driving revenue growth. Known for his strategic vision and dynamic leadership, Jerad has consistently led top-performing teams. He's never met a spreadsheet he didn't like. Outside the office, Jerad enjoys the thrill of hunting, combining his passion for the outdoors with his love for adventure.