Mid-West Family Madison Blog

Reverse Mentoring—a Key to Employee Retention

Written by Paul Blair | Nov 22, 2022 2:15:00 PM

We all know what a pandemic can do to your workforce. I’ve written and produced more recruitment campaigns in the last two years than ever before in my career. 

Something new on the radar to help balance your workforce is a concept called Reverse Mentoring. The secret behind the success of reverse mentoring is to pair the appropriate participants. Imagine pairing a Millennial employee with a Boomer employee. The younger employee is encouraged to share what it’s like living in a technologically advanced world with the more experienced mentee with a lifetime of experiences and information. 

The days of one single age group dominating your rooster are over. Everyone, regardless of age, is jointly focused on new ideas, problem-solving techniques, and creative ways to improve each other's skills.  Many successful international companies have Reverse Mentoring as part of their training programs and consider it one of their best practices. Perhaps Reverse Mentoring is already part of your business culture. 

When I’m working on a creative project at Mid-West Family Madison I get as excited as a cat unraveling a roll of toilet paper. In my enthusiasm, I automatically gravitate to others who are just as energized! Lucky for me there are many of them, all at different ages and stages of life. That’s when the magic of creative marketing truly comes to fruition. The sharing of skills brings remarkable results!          

Turnover is challenging. Reverse mentoring may be a way for you to reinvent what you already have on the payroll.

Read the book Reverse Mentoring by Patrice Gordon or schedule a Creative Uncovery with Mid-West Family Madison and see how our multi-generational Strategy Team collaborates to make your business a better brand.